Nokia 808 PureView ushers in a revolution in smartphone imaging

Nokia sets a new industry standard with the first in a range of high end experiences based on exclusive Nokia PureView imaging technologies.

Nokia ushered in a new era in high-end smartphone imaging with the Nokia 808 PureView.  This is the first smartphone to feature Nokia PureView imaging technologies, bringing together high resolution sensors, exclusive Carl Zeiss optics and Nokia developed algorithms, which will support new high-end imaging experiences for future Nokia products.  
The Nokia 808 PureView features a large, high-resolution 41 megapixel sensor with high-performance Carl Zeiss optics and new pixel oversampling technology.  At standard resolutions (2/3, 5 and 8 megapixels) this means the ability to zoom without loss of clarity and capture seven pixels of information, condensing into one pixel for the sharpest images imaginable.  At high-resolution (38 megapixel maximum) it means the ability to capture an image, then zoom, reframe, crop and resize afterwards to expose previously unseen levels of details. With superior low-light performance and the ability to save in compact file sizes for sharing in email, MMS, and on social networks, the Nokia 808 PureView makes it possible for anyone to capture professional looking images in any conditions.

In addition to superior still imaging technology, the Nokia 808 PureView, also includes full HD 1080p video recording and playback with 4X lossless zoom and the world's first use of Nokia Rich Recording.  Rich Recording enables audio recording at CD-like levels of quality, previously only possible with external microphones. The Nokia 808 PureView also features exclusive Dolby Headphone technology, transforming stereo content into a personal surround sound experience over any headphones and Dolby Digital Plus for 5.1 channel surround sound playback.
                  Image: Nokia 808 PureView
"Nokia PureView imaging technology sets a new industry standard by whatever measure you use," said Jo Harlow, executive vice president of Nokia Smart Devices.  "People will inevitably focus on the 41 megapixel sensor, but the real quantum leap is how the pixels are used to deliver breath-taking image quality at any resolution and the freedom it provides to choose the story you want to tell."

Nokia is a global leader in mobile communications whose products have become an integral part of the lives of people around the world. Every day, more than 1.3 billion people use their Nokia to capture and share experiences, access information, find their way or simply to speak to one another. Nokia's technological and design innovations have made its brand one of the most recognized in the world.

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Launchy:Forget your start menu(windows)

Developer: Josh Karlin 

Version: 2.5


License Type:free

Date Added: 02/07/2012

Operating Systems: Windows

File Size: 4.34Mb

what is it?

Launchy is a free windows utility designed to help you forget about your start menu, the icons on your desktop, and even your file manager

You can download it right here

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Google Sketch up for animators

Google sketch up

Developer: Googlet
Version: 8.0.4811
License Type:free
Date Added:
Operating Systems:
File Size: 40.11 MB

what it does?
Google SketchUp gives you the ability to easily create your own 3D models. With an easy-to-use interface and a wide swath of Help features, it's the perfect tool for beginner and intermediate designers alike.
You can download it right here 

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How to create an uncrackable password

Every password you have is important. Here's how to make your passwords uncrackable.
We live in a password-driven world, where between four and 20 characters are the difference makers in whether you're able to access your data, communicate with friends, or make your online purchases. The problem is that passwords should be different everywhere you use them, and that can make it difficult to remember them all. And, if a password is truly strong, that makes it even more difficult. That's why we've put together this helpful password guide. Follow these tips and tricks to take total control of your terms for access.

Common Problems with Passwords
Use Different Passwords Everywhere

Why would you do this when it's so easy to just type "fido" at every password prompt? Here's why: If "fido" gets cracked once, it means the person with that info now has access to all of your online accounts. A study by BitDefender showed that 75 percent of people use their e-mail password for Facebook, as well. If that's also your Amazon or PayPal password and it's discovered, say good-bye to some funds, if not friends.

Remember the Underwear Meme
The saying goes like this: Passwords are like underwear. You should change them often (okay, maybe not every day). Don't share them. Don't leave them out for others to see (no sticky notes!). Oh, and they should be sexy. Wait, sorry, I mean they should be mysterious. In other words, make your password a total mystery to others.

You can make your password sexy if you really want, however. I won't judge.

Avoid Common Passwords
If the word you use can be found in the dictionary, it's not a strong password. If you use numbers or letters in the order they appear on the keyboard ("1234" or "qwerty"), it's not a strong password. If it's the name of your relatives, your kids, or your pet, favorite team, or city of your birth, guess what—it's not a strong password. If it's your birthday, anniversary, date of graduation, even your car license plate number, it's not a strong password. It doesn't matter if you follow this with another number. These are all things hackers would try first. They write programs to check these kinds of passwords first, in fact.

Other terms to avoid: "god," "money," "love," "monkey," "letmein," and for the love of all that's techie, if you use "password" as your password, just sign off the Internet right now.

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App of the week:DropIt 3.9

Organizing the files on your computer is tricky business. Not that the act itself is difficult, just moving / copying file from one place to another; but you are walking a fine line in terms of saving. One one hand an organization system makes it easier and saves time while trying to locate files later on; on the other hand if you spend too much time organizing, then you're not saving much anyway.

But why spend time doing what the computer can do near instantly? Automating things is a computer's job so manually organizing files is like heating a clothes iron on a stove. DropIt automates the tedious task of ensuring that the right files go to the right folders.
DropIt allows you to specify any number of "associations" that define how files that meet a particular criteria should be treated. For example, you might want to move all large .exe files (software setups) to a particular folder. For each association, you can specify, with wildcards, what patterns of file names and paths the rule is applicable to, and can filter based on the file's size and creation, modification and last opened dates.

Of course you also need tell the software what to do with the files that match your defined criteria. Here you have nine options, Move, Copy, Compress, Extract, Rename, Open With, List, Delete, and Ignore.
For each option you need to specify a destination. For Move, Copy, and Extract it is the destination folder; while for Compress and List it is the name of the output compressed / list file; for Delete you can specify whether the file is to be deleted to the Recycle Bin, permanently deleted, or securely deleted; Renaming needs a file renaming pattern; and finally Open With is to have the file opened with some other software.
Open With leaves the door open for pretty much anything. You can have it filter all your videos of a particular format, and have them sent to your video encoding software with the right parameters. Listing creates an HTML file with the list of files matching the criteria in it. This output can be themed using templates.

In most of these cases, you have access to a large number of system parameters, such as the name of the file, the extension of the file, the current time / date, common folders, and even the drive letter on which Drop It is installed. This last one can be very useful if the DropIt is running off an external drive; you can then have it search the computer it is connected to for a particular type of file (for example all documents), and collect them all it its own drive.

The DropIt floating icon.
Now that you have a bunch of associations you can have them applied to any number of files by dropping them on a floating DropIt icon. Optionally you can have these actions applied to a folder automatically a specified period of time; a great way to keep your downloads directory or Desktop directory organized. A bunch of rules can be bundled together as a profile; so you can have one profile automatically applied to your desktop every some time, while another is used when you drag and drop files to the DropIt icon.

DropIt is free open source software. You can download the latest version from here

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Angry Brides to take on dowry in India

Angry Brides
The awareness campaigns against the evil practice of dowry have now inspired a free online game. Named Angry Brides, the game is a spoof of the popular game, Angry Birds. The free online game was launched by the matrimonial website The game is available at the group's Facebook page – The Angry Brides promo features a red-clad, eight-armed woman resembling a powerful Hindu goddess. The photo features a caption - "A woman will give you strength, care and all the love you need ... NOT dowry!"

To play the game, users have to try and hit three dodging grooms. The Angry Brides are given a wide range of weapons to choose from, including a stiletto shoe, a frying pan, broomstick and tomato. Each groom has a price tag, starting at Rs. 1.5 million. Every time user hits a groom, his value dips and money is added to user's Anti-Dowry Fund. According to Ram Bhamidi, senior vice president and head of online marketing for, more than 270,000 people have liked the app since the game was launched.

Like Angry Brides, a similar game called Angry Anna was launched in August last year. Inspired by Anna Hazare's anti-graft movement, Angry Anna game featured Anna and his aides wiping out the corrupt politicians. The game has received massive popularity.

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12 things you need to know about Facebook Timeline

Mark zukerberg
Basically, until recently, users were able to opt-in to Timeline; now they will be automatically switched over. When you get Timeline, however, you'll have a seven-day preview period, during which you can delete the content that is on your profile and hide what you don't want displayed."
From the time you receive notification that you'll be getting Timeline, whether you want it or not, you have seven days—or until you hit "publish," whichever comes first—to check it out privately, before anyone else can see it. You can also jump the queue and turn Timeline on now, but do note that once you turn it on, you can't turn it off.
I turned on Timeline early, back in September, to learn as much as I could about it and put together some answers and tips for people when Timeline became non-optional. Here's a summary of what I've learned. You can also take a tour of Timeline in the slideshow, in case you want to get a closer look at some of the editing option and other buttons without turning it on.
Q: What is Facebook Timeline?
A: Timeline is a section of a Facebook user's account that replaces the Profile and Wall pages, and merges them together. It shows the story of your life, as you choose to tell it or as Facebook has recorded it, in a visual, scrolling, reverse-chronologically ordered timeline. It's a cross between visual blog and online scrapbook. Fun fact: Facebook Timeline was accidentally released very briefly to the public back in December 2010 when it was called "Facebook Memories," but it was promptly removed.
Q: How can I get Facebook Timeline?
A: Go to the Facebook Timeline announcement page and look at the bottom of the page for a green button that says "Get Timeline." If you press this button, there is no undo! And if you don't take this step, Facebook will automatically turn on your Timeline within the next few weeks.
Q: What appears on my Timeline?
A: Status updates, photos, friendships made, as well as job history, marital status changes, and other information that you've recorded in your profile.
Q: Is the Timeline replacing my Facebook wall?
A: Yes. Timeline replaces your Profile and Wall. But it does not change your news feed page. When you log into Facebook and go to, that feed page of Recent Stories will still be the same. But, when you or visitors go to your unique Facebook URL, such as, they'll be able to see your Timeline instead of your old profile information and wall.

Q: How do I edit what appears on Timeline and who can see it?
A: Every Timeline entry has two icons for editing: a pen icon in the upper right corner where you can hide or delete the object, and a cog or silhouette (depending on the type of object) found next to the time or date of the activity, that lets you adjust who can see the activity. See the image above for an example. Additional images in the slideshow illustrate these two editing principles in more detail.
Q: Can I restrict which people who can see certain pieces of information, photos, and other details of my Timeline?
A: Yes! In the same way that you can manage who can see a status update or photo, you can limit who sees all the entries of your Timeline. Each entry has a drop-down menu next to it that lets you filter who can see the item.
Q: Can I delete status updates, images, and other content from my Timeline?
A: Yes! Deleting is an option. Just click that pen icon to edit, and you'll see "delete."
Q: When will I be forced to have Timeline?
A: If you don't have Timeline yet, you will be forced to have it "in the next few weeks," according to Facebook. The company has not given any more specific information. And from the day you get Timeline, you have seven days to see it privately before other users can see it.
Q: It sounds like you've used Facebook Timeline a lot. How is it?
A: I must admit that I liked playing with it a lot more than I liked filling in standard profile information. I set up Timeline on a Facebook account that doesn't have too much data in it, so it didn't feel overwhelming, but I could see how an active Facebook user would feel totally bowled over the first time he or she opened the Timeline. If you have thousands of status updates and photos on Facebook, you could be in for a very busy seven days between the time you are forced to have Timeline and the day it goes live for all to see.
You will want to use those seven days to tease your Timeline into shape, adding the permissions you want, deleting or marking private images you don't want everyone to see, and so forth.
But remember, by and large, this is a one-time setup process. After the one-time setup, new Timeline entries will come from your Facebook activity, and you'll be adding permissions and making other adjustments as you go. In other words, you have the tools to edit who can see what every time you put something on Facebook, and those permissions carry over onto Timeline. But, in the earlier days of Facebook, no one had those permission settings, so all old materials is public to all by default.
Other parts of Timeline that I like: that you can add life events, either current or back-dated. Some of the life events are pre-set in Facebook, like getting a new job and buying a home, but you can also create a custom life event or milestone.
Back-dating entries is great for photos. Say you post an old photo from 10 years ago. You can add the year 2002 so it shows up on Timeline with some sense of chronology and context.
You can back-date entries on your timeline with a nice calendar that lets you quickly jump to a year in the past, and optionally, you can add a month. If you want to add a memory from your childhood or back-date photos from your past, it's pretty easy to do so.
Q: What are some of the cons to Facebook Timeline?
A: The biggest cons: It's mandatory, or non-optional. You have only seven days from the date you're forced to have Timeline to when it is visible to all to review what's on it.
A minor con is that the dimensions for display images are unconventional, and I found that I didn't like how most of my images looked when I uploaded them without manipulating their size and dimensions. You can drag an image around the viewer space, but you can't crop or resize from directly within Facebook. (I'm taking bets now on how soon Facebook will build an image editor, or acquire a company that already makes one.)
Q: What is Timeline Apps integration?
Timeline Apps integration lets you post to Facebook Timeline the activities that you do in other apps. There are about 80 apps supported right now. For example, if you allow the Web site Pinterest permission to post to your Timeline (and yes, you have to turn it on; it's off by default), Pinterest will create a little box on your Timeline where it shows your Pinterest activity. Another example: You can set up the Wall Street Journal online to post to Timeline when you have read an article. Or you have have Spotify post to Timeline when you listen to a song. It's basically the same as apps activity in the Facebook Ticker, but on your Timeline.

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Serenade(to sing a song) Your Date On Valentine's Day!

Send something special to someone special this Valentine's Day with a little help from Heineken! 
If you've ever felt like serenading a potential Valentine with a song that says everything you want to say (but better!), then check out Heineken's latest video in the ongoing "Open Your World"campaign: Serenade.
This video accompanies a Valentine's Day Facebook App, launching on 1st February. Clicking the video sends you straight to the App, where you can create your own fully personalized Serenade for a date in just four clicks. You must first select Who you would like to take on a date, Why you want to go out with them, then decide What you want to do on your Legendary Date, and of course, explain why your chosen date should step out with you - Why Me. Once you've made your choices, your Serenade will be ready to send to your lucky date.

Once complete, it's all about waiting to see whether you will receive a Yes or No from them. With a total of 640 different Serenades available (and in 20 different languages, no less), you should be able to find the legendary Serenade that will bring you romance.

Both the sender and the recipient will have to allow the Facebook App to send and open their Serenade respectively. Supporting the App, Serenade Live is an eight-hour live, global event taking place on 9th February, which will be streamed on Heineken's YouTube channel. Full of live content, it's shaping up to be a great campaign that will see the world making connections everywhere.

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