iPad 2 given untethered jailbreak (video)

iPad 2 jailbroken over the web

Hackers gave the iPad 2 its first simple, if not necessarily flawless, wireless jailbreak for the iPad 2. A video demo (below) points users to a web link [caution: don't try unless willing to risk voiding warranty] that, like other web jailbreaks, takes advantage of a browser hole for PDF handling to crack iOS 4.3.3 on the Apple tablet. The hack closes the browser, loads Cydia and, after a manual reboot, gives the device privileges to run apps from beyond the App Store.
Some have said they've had difficulty getting the jailbreak to work, but Chris De Jager and others have provided hard evidence the jailbreak was working. iOS 5 won't work at all.

Proof a hack was possible was shown in March, but developing a reliable, simple approach has reportedly been difficult. At least until he started working at Facebook, well-known iOS breaker George Hotz, and greenp0ison creator Josh Hill had been spending extra time trying to create a solution. The new approach appears to be as simple as Jailbreak Me but developed independently. [via Redmond Pie]

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