Iphone has got that edge over android

According to a new Nielsen survey into mobile use in the US, the Apple iPhone has the momentum despite the fact that Android has the numbers. In terms of new smartphone users, Android are the market leaders at 27 percent, although this figure remains stagnant in contrast to Apple’s growth over the last three months from 10 to 17 percent.

As a whole, smartphones are continuing to grow in popularity. 38 percent of all mobile phone users now own smartphones, which is a figure that continues to go up all the time. 55 percent of people who purchased a new phone in the past three months bought a smartphone instead of a regular phone, a figure that is up a massive 34 percent from just a year ago.

In terms of overall users, Android remains the most popular smartphone operating system, with 38 percent of users owning an Android device. However, in terms of shear momentum, it is the Apple iPhone that has shown the most growth during recent months.

Apple now have 27 percent of the overall smartphone market, followed by RIM Blackberry at 21 percent, Windows Mobile at 9 percent, and Symbian and Web OS at 2 percent each. While there are lots of reasons for Apple’s success, some analysts are attributing it to the iPhone’s market expansion on Verizon Wireless. It is worth noting that this survey did not include tablets or any other non-phone devices running either Android or iOS.

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