
Do you think that Microsoft will start its own social networking service?
Microsoft may be gearing up to jump into the lucrative social networking fray by launching a social networking site, according to a report. If this is really true, then it will be interesting to see how the three-way dance between the giants Microsoft, Google, and Facebook ends up.
Microsoft has reportedly bought a site Socl.com, and it is not just the name that hints at it being a "social" networking site in the making. A few days ago, Socl.com hosted a teaser page for a service called Tulalip, which is the name of one of the Native American tribes based near Microsoft's Redmond office. This service advertised itself in the teaser as a service that lets users "...Find what you need and Share what you know easier than ever". There was a link saying "See how it works", and there were options to connect via Facebook and Twitter.
However, the teaser has now been taken down and replaced by a message that says, "Thanks for stopping by. Socl.com is an internal design project from a team in Microsoft Research which was mistakenly published to the web. We didn't mean to, honest". As of now, it remains a mystery whether or not Microsoft would really jump into the social networking web space, but the indications are strong, and the reasons compelling.
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