Turn your ipad into an arcade gaming console

The iCADE has to be one of the coolest iPad accessories to hit the market, although at a size much bigger than the iPad itself it feels kinda funny calling it an accessory.

The iCADE is a wireless iPad dock that turns your Apple tablet into an arcade style gaming cabinet, and is sure to bring back memories of your wasted youth.

The amazing thing about the iCADE is that it all started as an April Fools joke. Those wacky lads at ThinkGeek started the joke, and when they were busy rolling around on the floor in hysterics one of them must have had an epiphany.

The iCADE arcade cabinet is made in collaboration with ION, with Atari also signing up to bring forth a swag of classic arcade game titles such as the classic Asteroids. In order to work, an iPad simply slots into the dock and connects to the iCADE via a Bluetooth connection.
The API is being released for the iCADE app, so that new developers can also make iCADE compatible games that use the classic arcade buttons and joystick interface. You don’t even have to insert any coins in order to get started, which is sure to save you lots of money for soft drink and hot dogs.
The iCADE is the kind of device that may bring ‘swinging voters’ into the Apple camp. So if you have been sitting on the fence and thinking about buying an iPad, now is your chance. At $99.99, the iCADE sure is a lot cheaper than an authentic arcade machine.
However – there is some bad news. The iCADE is currently out of stock, with more units being produced as we speak. The next batch is likely to be ready in June, but be quick, as they too are likely to fly of the virtual shelves.

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