Find Out Who Unfriended You On Facebook Using Timeline

Mark Zuckerberg unveiled the Timeline profile feature in the f8 Developers Conference. No doubt, along with other changes with Facebook this year, this is going to be a massive change, from standard Facebook profiles to much-more-advanced Timeline-type Facebook profile. With all the events of your life, on your single profile page, the whole life of a person (ever since he/she joined Facebook) can be visualized, formatted and categorized. Haven’t seen the new Facebook-timeline-type profile? Refer to the image below:

new facebook profile timeline

While the Facebook Timeline Profile is not available to all at present, you can still see the developer preview by following some simple steps here. Once you activate the Timeline profile for your Facebook account, you can move further with the tutorial on how to find out who un-friended you on Facebook, using the Timeline tool

# By now, I am expecting that you have already activated the Timeline feature for your profile by following the tutorial mentioned above.

# Now, go to your new Facebook-timeline enabled profile and select any particular year or month from the Timeline bar.


# Next, navigate to the Friends box which should be available on the right side of the Timeline bar, respective to the year or month you selected.


# Click on the number of friends link. In my case, it is 188 New Friends link. Click on it and a list of friends will be displayed. The people who have deleted you will be displayed with a “Add Friend” button. This way you can identify all those people who deleted you in a particular year easily.

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