Women give birth to baby girl in a marathon

Amber Miller had a long day on Sunday. She ran the Chicago Marathon. Then she had a sandwich with her husband, who also ran. Then they went to the hospital, where Amber gave birth to a baby girl.

When Miller registered for the marathon two days before she found out she was pregnant. The veteran of seven marathons continued running throughout the pregnancy, and got permission from her doctor before taking on the race. She half ran, half walked the 26.2 miles, explaining her time of 6:25- much slower than usual.

A few minutes after reaching the finish line, Miller, who was 39 weeks pregnant and a week from her due date, realized she was going into labor. She and the 7 pound, 13 ounce baby June are proof that some athletes just can’t be held back, and that people are capable of amazing feats.

Exercising during a pregnancy is important, though there are easier ways to stay in shape than running marathons.

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