An apple a day is not enough

For quite sometime now,the world have been app crazy....At first it was just apple apple users goin app crazy,because so few of us could afford those devices..
It wasn't just the US and Europe that went apple crazy,our annual icons of Trust survey also
had people ooh-ing and ahh-ing over Apple devices even though a tiny minority owned them.
That's the power of being cool and trendy, in your own words. After the runaway success of the ipod models,the iphone was obviously going to sell like hot cakes. What Apple has really been tested with is the competition
When iphone was released ,a lot many of us felt like disgusted by our phones.Today's fashion is tomorrow's rags however.this was evident from market share reports from US mobile industries,
which showed that almost half of the mobiles sold were android based!!
Ofcourse a lot of Apple users say this is just a blip and the world will return to sanity in a year or so.
but will it??
The fact that android is an open source also means more innovation for the platform,
and as result a freer hand for the developers to try and capture our attention.
The platform wars have just begun and the next few years will be a key to decide that who will win...
If stratergies don't change drastically then we''ll know on whom we will be putting our money on
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