The Next Android: Ice Cream Sandwich Officially Anounced By Google


Hot on the heels of their announcement that Honeycomb version 3.1 is rolling out to Motorola Xoom users, Google also officially announced the next version of Android: Ice Cream Sandwich. This version, out in the 4th quarter, is a significant milestone in the fight against fragmentation. With their new tagline, One OS Everywhere, Google hopes to bring together all of the features and advancements of Android for tablets into Android for phones and other devices.

This is good news for both developers and users. With a new app development framework, Google hopes to make it simple to create apps that work on any device, making the user experience less frustrating in the end. And users will also be able to enjoy the same basic framework and use even as they move from their Google TVs to their phones to other connected devices in the ecosystem
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