Ganga Hospital DoctOrs perForm Ipod -assiSted sUrgery fOr hip jOinT rePlaCemeNt..

ThE ipod Toch ... As we All KnOw.... Is giving Its perFormance iN thE medical fiEld...also.

RecEntly.. The doCtors of India
Performed a suCcessful hip rePlacemenT sUrgEey at thE Ganga hospital in combitore
WiTh The heLp of an Ipod That
WaS loaDed with a soFtware with aLL the deTaiLs..of joiNt rePlaceMent..surGery so thAt it could NaVigate tHe enTire proCedure.

According To DocTor
Dr. S Rajasekaran
the Ipod- asSistEd surGery can help DeteRmine the Exact amoUnt of boNe to Be cut to Fix tHe impLant...It van Also inCreaSe thE loNgeVity of thE hip joiNt Implant fRom tHe currEnt 10 to 12 years tO 20 yeaRs...
as tHe exACt poSition can be deTermineD..
On The meDico-leGal front, tHe nEw technology cAn help iN sTorinG tHe iMages of tHe suRgery staGe By Stage............

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