Gestures to control ipod in future

The Xbox Kinect technology can be used in many various fields. Its application within an “invisible phone” which allows users to control the device without actually having to hold it in their hand is just one small part of the versatility that this technology offers.

A team of researchers from the MIT have developed a tech improvement to control an iPod Touch without …actually touching it. The technology they used involves a camera similar to that used in the Kinect technology and a high-tech system able to interpret users’ hand moves and operate the gadget accordingly.

In other words, the user receives a camera and their palm acts as a device screen, therefore every move made on the palm is transferred to the device. The researchers have established that two thirds of all iDevice owners are able to detect on their palm the place where the app should be on the screen or the place where they should do a swipe to unlock the device.

Instead of using an actual device, users mimic the interaction on the palm of their hand. The interaction is tracked by a wearable depth camera which sends input events to the actual physical device. By mimicking the layout of the physical device, users can operate the device based on spatial memory built up while using the physical device.”

This type of technology could be used in the future to control all kind of devices. What is interesting to mention is the fact that such tests always seem to favor iDevices and never Android OS gadgets.


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