Paperphone- back to the future

When you chose a smartphone over a regular mobile phone you are first and foremost driven by the need to gain more flexibility. A smartphone offers a wider range of activities but you have to accept some compromises when it comes to ergonomics.
It is uncomfortable to hold a classic smartphone to your ear and it gets even harder to fit it in your pocket. For this reason, a group of researchers from the University of Ontario, Canada, decided to create a phone that could be easily fitted into your wallet or shirt pocket.

The device bears a very suggestive name, Paperphone, and it is as flexible as a gymnast, literally. It looks like a plastic foil, only a bit thicker.
The flexible display is supplied by E Ink. It is attached to a circuit which, at its turn, is also flexible. Since the device is just a prototype, the whole assembly is attached to the electronics of a regular smartphone using a cable.

The display is flexible and its shape changes according to the user’s clothes contour. Users can navigate through the phone menu and make phone calls by bending the edges of the display. A touch screen interface is also available for more complex tasks.

Researchers have not yet found a way to make flexible memory chips, processors and batteries but they are working on it.
A smartphone the size of a postcard could redefine the concept of portability to which we have become familiar in recent years. Once again, researchers have proven that parts of the SF world can sometimes be brought into the real world.

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