A bullet pierceing the iphone 4s

Note to iPhone 4S owners: Your new gizmo might be shiny, but it is not — repeat: not — bulletproof.
In a YouTube video posted Tuesday, a person decides to put bullet to iPhone. (The result? No, the iPhone isn’t bulletproof. Did you not read my lede?)
He begins his YouTube adventure by asking a question to personal-assistant app Siri.
“Siri, are you bulletproof?”
“No comment,” Siri responds.
“We’ll see about that,” Ryan says.
The showdown: iPhone 4S vs a armor-piercing incendiary rounds fired from a .50 cal.
“I’m surprised how these things hold up,” he says after piercing a hole completely through the phone. Then he decides to go for another round. Check out the video above to see a small explosion and glass shattering, in slow motion and set to the backdrop of heavy metal.
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