Is the facebook more important than air and water?For some definitely yes

When Cisco surveyed about 3,000 18- to 30-year-olds from 14 different countries to see how connected today’s youth is, the company found more than half considered the facebook “an ‘integral part of their lives,’ — one as important as food, water and even air — that they could not live without,” Time’s Techlandreported.

When breaking down the demographic further into college students (18 to 23 years old) and young professionals (less than 30 years old), the report found 40 percent of students considered the Internet more important than friends, music and even dating. Facebook trumps all for 27 percent of students; 91 percent of the group have accounts with the social network. About 20 percent of surveyed students said they haven’t bought a physical book in the last two years that wasn’t for class. Two-thirds also also said given the option, they’d choose the Internet over a car.

For the young professionals worldwide, 88 percent had Facebook accounts, with 70 percent reporting friending their colleagues on the social network. In the U.S. though, professionals like to keep it…professional. Only about a quarter connected with colleagues on Facebook. About a third of Twitter users said they wanted to keep their personal lives separate from work.

As important as water, shelter and food? Maybe that’s hyperbolic. How about a close fourth?

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