Why to go without network in the bathroom, when you can get the twitter updates on the toilet paper

When you’re doing your business in the men’s room, don’t you have a burning desire to read the latest tweets?

If you’re not the 39 percent who use their smartphones in the bathroom, we have a couple things to say to you. First, good for you. People love whipping out their phones to check into restaurants on Foursquare, and you just don’t want a bathroom phone on the dinner table. Second, fear not. We have a solution for you.

Introducing a toilet paper dispenser that prints your Twitter feed right onto your TP. Gadgets blog dvicecame across this genius of an invention, created by Mario Lukas with scavenged parts from an old CD drive and an Arduino controller. The part that holds the toilet-paper roll connects to the home network to access Lukas’ Twitter and RSS feeds. The blog, however, was unable to find out how he responds to incoming tweets while on his porcelain throne. See how this contraption works in the video below.

Once considered a sanctuary from the outside world, the bathroom is now all too socially connected.
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