'Samsung’s Nexus Prime' Next Super Droid Phone From Samsung[Video]

Now that we’ve seen the new iPhone 4S, which was not an earth shattering reveal, perhaps it’s time for Samsung to wow us finicky folks in the smart phone geekdom. The next super Droid phone, dubbed the “Nexus Prime,” is rumored to be announced at the Samsung event on October 11th, and the potential wow factors will be it’s curved screen, and the latest Android OS, “Ice Cream Sandwich.”

The video popped up right after Apple debuted its iPhone 4S yesterday. That upgraded model with a faster processor and better camera may have disappointed some hoping for something more dramatic, but it'll still sell like hotcakes and be top competition for Samsung's top-end Android line.

The Nexus Prime could be the launch vehicle for Google's newest version of Android, Ice Cream Sandwich, which Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said will arrive in October or November. Google typically picks top partners that get a period of exclusivity with new OS versions. HTC was favored early on with Android's debut models and the Nexus One; Samsung was in the catbird seat with its Nexus S; and Motorola was the first out with Honeycomb, the tablet version of Android.

Ice Cream Sandwich takes Honeycomb features and interfaces and adapts them for smartphones, too.

A Purported Nexus Prime photo shows buttons with the Honeycomb styling, such as the somewhat squashed looking house icon for the home button. It also shows evidence of a high-resolution 1,280x720-pixel screen.

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Samsung Nexus Review said...

I can say that Samsung nexus is better than iphone. I compared iphone 3GS to camera with this droid phone. The Samsung nexus camera function has no lag, focus faster, able to take a dog jumping in the air, and video has clear sound and vision.

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