All you need to know while buying a right kind of computer for youself

Today, a person looking for a computer has half a dozen options, with different form factors, price segments and performance ability. Many people opt for more than one computer - one to park at the desk at home and another to lug around at work. So which one(s) works best for you? If you are confused, read through to learn the art of finding which computer works for you.


All in ones combine the CPU (the box that contains the processor, motherboard, hard drive, etc.), speakers and display into one unit. Basically, it looks like a display on your desk. Its forte is its relatively compact form factor, freeing you from a tangle or wires, and depending on the model, it even manages to pack in some very decent specifications.

Some all-in-ones can even be used as televisions and feature touchscreens. Where they come up a bit short is in the fact that while they have more processing power than notebooks, they lag behind conventional desktops in this department. Also, in most cases the hardware cannot be upgraded as well.

PRICE: Rs 20,000 onwards

PROS: Compact; Fewer wires to tangle with; Decent performers

CONS: Limited upgrade options; Not on par with desktops in terms of performance

WORKS BEST FOR: Those who want a decent performing device on their desks, without too much clutter


The fact that desktops have existed in more or less the same form factor for more than two decades now is a tribute to their resilience. Moreover, they can be customised almost infinitely - you can change the processor, the graphics, the display, the keyboard, et al - making them the favourite device of all power users.

Unlike other devices, you can actually configure a desktop as per your requirements. And all this at a relatively low cost. You can even start off with a relatively modest machine if restricted by your budget and keep adding to it in the years that pass. However, it does keep you anchored you to your desk, and more often than not, comes with a tangle of wires.

PRICE: Rs 20,000 onwards

PROS: Relatively affordable; Easy to upgrade and customise; Performance as per requirements

CONS: Bulky; No battery backup unless you get a UPS; Cables

WORKS BEST FOR: Those whose work needs high-performance computing such as gamers and designers, and who do not like to change machines often


They arrived four years ago and shook up the computing world by offering basic computing at rock-bottom prices. And that is where they remain, not withstanding significant improvements in processing speed and configurations. The netbook even today represents pretty much the bottom of the computing pyramid, delivering performance that is more than adequate if all you are looking for is browsing the Web and working on MS Office documents.

Handling high-end gaming and multimedia are not its forte, thanks to its limited processing power and relatively small displays (10.1-inches usually). But it more than compensates for these with its light and compact form factor (most weigh between 1-1.4 kg), connectivity options and a price tag that is the lowest in all mobile computing devices.

PRICE: Rs 10,000-Rs 25,000

PROS: Very affordable; Great for browsing and basic document handling; Compact and portable

CONS: Limited processing power; Not great for highend computing

WORKS BEST FOR: Those who are constantly on the move and want online connectivity, without spending too much

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