iphone 4S vs Iphone 4 vs Nokia Lumia 800 browsing performance test

Geeks really like benchmarks – they’re one of the best ways to compare hardware speeds, and things are no different in the world of the smartphone.

With the aim of comparing the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and Nokia’s Windows Phone 7-powered Lumia 800, YouTube user 359gsm set about running a selection of web-based benchmarks to see just which of the three phones is the quickest when it comes to rendering web pages.

The iPhone 4S did particularly well in the tests, with the older iPhone 4 more than holding its own, too…

Comparing the iPhone’s Mobile Safari with Windows Phone 7′s Internet Explorer Mobile will always raise a few eyebrows, especially with Microsoft making so much noise about its own offering. Interestingly, when the video shows all three devices running Microsoft’s own “speed reading” test, the iPhone 4S is the clear winner.

The reason this is so interesting is that Microsoft used the iPhone 4 as a comparison to Windows Phone 7 not that long ago, showing how much faster Internet Explorer was than Safari. Well, it seems someone at Apple saw the comparison too, and the iPhone 4S more than makes up for the iPhone 4′s lackluster performance!

Check out the full results below, and remember that the iPhone 4 is running iOS 4.3 while the iPhone 4S is using the 5.0 version of iOS. No, we’ve no idea why they decided not to upgrade the iPhone 4, either!

“Browsermark Test: Higher is better
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) – 37 503
Nokia Lumia 800 (WP7.5 aka Mango) – 30 452
iPhone 4S (iOS 5) – 86 702

Speed Reading Test:
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) – 2 fps (iPhone 4 with iOS 5.0 – around 37 fps)
Nokia Lumia 800 (WP7.5 aka Mango) – 40 fps
iPhone 4S (iOS 5) – 60 fps

Sunspider Test: Lower is better
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) – 4018.2 ms
Nokia Lumia 800 (WP7.5 aka Mango) – 7188.7 ms
iPhone 4S (iOS 5) – 2266 ms

Acid3 Test:
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) – 100/100
Nokia Lumia 800 (WP7.5 aka Mango) – 100/100
iPhone 4S (iOS 5) – 100/100

HTML5 Test:
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) – 210
Nokia Lumia 800 (WP7.5 aka Mango) – 141
iPhone 4S (iOS 5) – 296″

There’s life in the iPhone 4 yet!

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